Saturday, April 25, 2009

Headin' out...

Mom and I are off to Grand Rapids for a 6 hour photography seminar. So excited! If you are at Hoosier Harley today... Keep an eye out for Corey and Wessel. They are armed with my camera since we will be out of town and I am sure will have way too much fun tracking people down to get your picture.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Happy Easter...

Every one has those family traditions that you have to do every year no matter what age you are, ours... The bunny cake, dying eggs, getting bubbles, and paddle balls. The easter eggs have a little story behind it. I have never been known for good spelling, as just about anyone can tell you. I am an awful speller! Every year, I would try my hardest at writing "happy Easter" with a white crayon on an egg before dying it, and every year growing upI would always for get the "A" and we ended up with "happy Ester!" Well, one year I was determined to get in that darn A and I did... then I forgot my "S" so, we had one heck of an "Eater" so needless to say, every year we have to have our "Happy Easter" egg just to get a good laugh!

Happy Brithday!!! and Congrats!

Not only was it Mr. B's 30th Birthday, but
it was his Graduation night as well!!! GO MR. B!!!

Notice all of the dogs in the window...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

New updates!

Man, things have been a little hectic around here. Haven't gotten a chance to post a few session samples until tonight...