Monday, November 30, 2009

Dragon Withdrawls!...

Now that I am pregnant... no bike riding for me! That means no Dragon trips until probably 2 years unless it is in a car, and right now, I get car sick going up to the corner store, so I am thinking that is not going to happen anytime soon! So as a fix, I found this video from Darryl aka "Killboy". This guy is AWESOME! It is taken from his car following a buddy of his. Oh, does this bring back some memories!

Corey... hope you enjoy it! Makes ya miss it even more doesn't it!? Love you!

Following my BFF through the Dragon from killboy on Vimeo.


Well, it has been brought to my attention by a few blog readers that I haven't updated anything in about a month and they are SO right. I was laying in bed at 4:00 in the morning thinking about what all I needed to get done and that was one of them, so here goes...

Corey is doing well. He is actually really liking it there! I get to talk to him about every day which really helps.

Baby is going on 14 weeks. Beginning to feel a little better. Not nauseous every day, now about every other day if I am lucky every 3rd day, but SO worth it. Have entered into the maternity wardrobe.

Photography, been keeping me busy lately. Here are a few of the photos taken through out the month. Tomorrow I will be updating a few shoots from the past week.

This one was taken by our next door neighbor. They have 7 boys that all LOVE our boys, and believe me, the feeling is mutual! one of our fence pickets was broken one the bottom. The boys take turns getting their head, feet and shoulders through the hole so that any one of the boys will come pay attention to them... Sue grabbed her camera and got the cutest shot of Buddy lovin' it up with one of the little ones.

Aren't they just the cutest!?!?

Monday, November 2, 2009

Photos from Iraq

Corey sent some photos from the base where he is...

this is a picture of one of Saddam's palaces that is located at the center of the base.
Corey's Living quarters for right now.
Entrance to one of the tent's
These concrete walls are called t-walls. they are about 15 feet tall, 6 feet wide and 2 feet thick. They are all over the place and are actually used as blast reduction walls. This was really the middle of the army barracks there was looked like a giant termite mound but after talking to a soldier he found out that this is actually a giant bird house.

Corey's Comment on the next one...
"this is one of many bunkers all over the place. i haven't gotten the privelege yet of having to use one nor do i want to!!"

this is looking down the side of the tent city i was living in. there is a shade net over the top that is used to cut down the amount os sunlight that beats down on the tent and to help stop the dust and sand from covering everything up

Recent Wedding

Sorry blog...

I have seriously neglected my blog over the past few weeks. I have a lot to update. Photos coming soon.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

2 big news flashes!

Well... we are pregnant! About 5 weeks (maybe only 4) we will know more on Friday.

one test just wasn't enough! Had to be sure!

Now for the other news... Corey (my husband) will be leaving Sunday to go over seas to work on military bases in the middle east for a year!!! Some how, God has all of this planned out, just haven't figured out his plan yet, but I guess I am not supposed to. For we walk by faith, not by sight. I will get to see Corey in about 4 months for a mini 10 day vacation, so for now, I am sticking to saying "it is ony 4 months, not a year!" Lots of photos I am sure to come!

Love you "Coey!"