Monday, November 2, 2009

Photos from Iraq

Corey sent some photos from the base where he is...

this is a picture of one of Saddam's palaces that is located at the center of the base.
Corey's Living quarters for right now.
Entrance to one of the tent's
These concrete walls are called t-walls. they are about 15 feet tall, 6 feet wide and 2 feet thick. They are all over the place and are actually used as blast reduction walls. This was really the middle of the army barracks there was looked like a giant termite mound but after talking to a soldier he found out that this is actually a giant bird house.

Corey's Comment on the next one...
"this is one of many bunkers all over the place. i haven't gotten the privelege yet of having to use one nor do i want to!!"

this is looking down the side of the tent city i was living in. there is a shade net over the top that is used to cut down the amount os sunlight that beats down on the tent and to help stop the dust and sand from covering everything up

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